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Spray Tan

Pre&After care

Sienna X 

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Here’s our one-stop guide to everything you need to know about spray tanning:

  1. Avoid deodorant on the day of your tan. It acts a bit like a barrier and can prevent the skin from soaking up tanner, leaving it looking patchy and uneven.

  2. Bring along loose clothing to wear afterwards so that you don’t disturb the product once it has been applied.

  3. Cut back on your perfume and miss out the make-up. Tanner should be applied on cleansed skin to encourage an even distribution of product.

  4. Don’t wear anything fitted or with tight straps that could wipe off or remove your tanner before it has had time to develop.

  5. Exfoliate at least 24 hours before your treatment to remove dead skin cells. This will help the tanner to smoothly glide on and extend the life of your final tan.

  6. Feet, ankles and elbows tend to be drier areas of the body that will absorb more tanner than other areas. Apply a touch of moisturiser to each spot a few hours before your tan to encourage and even result.

  7. Give yourself few minutes for the tanner to dry fully before you put your clothes back on to avoid any product bleeding onto your garments.

  8. Headbands work perfectly for pushing the hair back and managing an unruly fringe.

  9. If you’re unsure about any part of the treatment you can always ask your therapist!

  10. Jewellery, including bracelets and ear rings, should be removed before your tan.

  11. Keep away from the loofah after you’ve tanned. The rough texture will slough away the skin cells on the surface of your skin and take your golden colour away with them.

  12. Leave embarrassment at the door. Your therapist has done a million and one spray tans on all sorts of body shapes and sizes and won’t care one iota about your stretch marks :)

  13. Moisturise every day to lock in your colour.

  14. Nail polish makes for the perfect barrier to tanning solution. Varnish your nails beforehand (even with a clear polish) to protect your nail bed and cuticles from staining.

  15. Oily products….

  16. Perfume and other cosmetic items shouldn’t be worn on your treatment day because they can prevent tanner from clinging onto your skin.

  17. Quit the gym just for the day you’ve had your tanner applied and before you’ve had time to wash your guide colour off. Sweating will slash the effectiveness of your tanner.

  18. Relax and trust your therapist to do their job. Spray tanning is a pampering treat for the skin so give yourself permission to indulge in some TLC.

  19. Shave a day before your tanning session to remove unwanted hair. If you shave after tanning you’ll reduce the lifespan of your tan so do it well beforehand to retain your golden colour for as long as possible.

  20. Tie your hair up in a ponytail or bun to give your therapist clear access to your face.

  21. Use a gentle shower gel on your skin when you wash your tanner off to avoid drying out your skin and reducing the life cycle of your tan.

  22. Very dark guide colours aren’t representative of the final shade of your tan so don’t be worry if the applied tanner looks too rich! Your true colour will be revealed after you’ve had a shower 6-8 hours later.

  23. Wax a day before your tan to allow your pores to close up. If you tan immediately after waxing you’ll end up with a dotty finish.

  24. Extra things you can do to prolong your colour: avoid hot showers and long soaks in the tub to keep your tan looking golden for as long as possible. Moisturise every day without fail. Bypass the swimming pool because chlorinated water that can strip the colour from your tan.

  25. Yes! You’ve done it so now’s the time to catch some…

  26. Zzzzzzs and allow your tanner to develop overnight. However, make sure it has fully dried before your head hits the pillow to avoid colour exchange. It’s also a good idea to steer clear of white bed sheets!

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