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RF Microneedling

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RF Microneedling Eyes £150

RF Microneedling Full Face £250

RF Microneedling Full Face + Decollate £300

RF Microneedling Stomach Lift £350

Radiofrequency microneedling is a non-laser, non-surgical treatment that works wonders on wrinkles, especially around the eyes.

Using short-contact heating, it cleverly contracts and stimulates collagen, promoting rejuvenation beneath the skin's surface.

The recovery period is relatively quick, lasting just 2-4 days. What makes this treatment even more appealing is its versatility— it's safe for all skin types.

So, whether you're dealing with wrinkles or seeking an overall skin refresh, radiofrequency microneedling might just be your go-to solution.


RF microneedling is a cosmetic marvel that combines the power of radio-frequency energy with the precision of skin needling, aiming to enhance the skin's appearance.

This procedure involves creating tiny openings in the outer skin layers, triggering collagen production at a deeper level. The result? Diminished wrinkles, faded sun damage, softened scars, and an overall more youthful skin texture.

Dermal needling is the secret sauce, crafting minuscule channels in the epidermis filled with the magic of RF energy. This energy's warmth kickstarts fibroblasts, boosting collagen production for improved elasticity and an overall healthier glow.



RF microneedling stands at the forefront of advanced skin treatments, employing a device armed with tiny needles and the dynamic force of radiofrequency energy to penetrate the skin.

This innovative procedure orchestrates its magic through small punctures in the outer skin layer, paving the way for deeper penetration of potent ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or vitamin C serums and creams into the dermal layers.

This heightened penetration not only amplifies their efficacy but also tackles issues like deep acne scarring, wrinkles, pigmentation, and sun damage.

Post-RF microneedling, the healing journey varies, influenced by factors like age, lifestyle habits, diet, medications, and overall health. Nevertheless, some common post-treatment effects are generally anticipated, including:

  1. Skin redness: Immediate redness in the treated area, typically resolving within 24 hours.

  2. Swelling: Normal post-treatment swelling, subsiding within 1-2 days.

  3. Temporary bruising: Occasional bruising around micro-needle areas, a rarity typically resolved within 3-5 days.



RF microneedling emerges as a highly effective treatment, promising a myriad of potential benefits. Its transformative touch can enhance the appearance of acne scars, diminish wrinkles, and refine skin texture.

One of its notable virtues lies in its ability to kickstart collagen production, a key player in improving the elasticity of aging skin. The therapeutic prowess of RF energy extends even to sun-damaged skin, further elevating its appeal.

The procedure itself is a breeze, with minimal associated risks. Post-session, most patients experience a temporary redness that typically fades within 24 hours. Slight swelling may occur based on the intensity of your treatment plan, but it's usually a passing phase.

Visible results often grace you within two to three weeks following the initial appointment. However, for optimal and sustained results, multiple sessions are usually recommended, fostering a gradual increase in collagen production.

For those seeking to bid farewell to fine lines, wrinkles, and other age-related signs without opting for invasive surgery, RF microneedling emerges as a promising ally. Its minimal downtime after each session makes it an attractive option.

Yet, as with any medical procedure, it's crucial to acknowledge the presence of potential risks and consider possible side effects before determining if this form of therapy aligns with your individual needs and preferences.



Post-RF microneedling treatment, it's crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Immediately following the procedure, redness and swelling in the treated area may occur, which is entirely normal and typically expected to diminish within 48 hours.

In some cases, bruising might manifest in specific areas, but it usually resolves itself shortly after the session. If, however, your skin doesn't revert to its pre-treatment state within two weeks, seeking advice from your doctor or aesthetician is advisable for a thorough evaluation.

Although infection is a rare side effect, especially when administered by an experienced practitioner adhering to proper safety protocols, it's still essential to keep the treated area clean and apply prescribed medication as directed to minimize any potential risk.

Moreover, steering clear of direct sunlight exposure to the treated area can significantly reduce the likelihood of post-treatment discoloration due to sun damage.

While mild and temporary side effects may accompany RF microneedling treatments, discussing all potential risks and benefits with your provider beforehand ensures you make an informed decision. Understanding the nuances of post-treatment care is pivotal for securing optimal results in your journey ahead.


Post your RF Microneedling session, sustaining the achieved results becomes a crucial part of your skincare journey.

Regular maintenance treatments play a pivotal role in fostering enduring skin rejuvenation and collagen production, effectively combating wrinkles, age spots, and various signs of aging.

These maintenance sessions are notably minimally invasive, typically requiring less downtime than the initial treatments. Opting for maintenance every six to 12 months allows you to consistently harness the benefits of increased collagen production and an enhanced overall appearance.

Following maintenance treatments, patients might experience mild redness or sensitivity for a few days, easily managed with recommended topical products such as aloe vera gel or moisturizing creams provided by the skincare clinic.

In your post-maintenance routine, incorporate daily sun protection with SPF 30 or higher, along with skincare products tailored to your specific skin type after RF microneedling sessions.

Integral to your long-term success is the avoidance of direct sun exposure, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, as well as steering clear of tanning beds, hot tubs, or saunas. This comprehensive post-treatment care plan ensures optimal and sustained results from your RF Microneedling treatment program.

Ultimately, consulting with a board-certified dermatologist before embarking on any aesthetic procedures is highly recommended. This ensures the development of an individualized skincare regimen crafted specifically for you, ensuring product safety while maximizing the desired outcomes over time.

SKIN TYPES SUITABLE FOR RF MICRONEEDLING RF microneedling proves to be an effective treatment across various skin types, addressing concerns such as wrinkles, acne scars, and facial or body discoloration.

Even individuals with sensitive skin can potentially benefit from RF microneedling, though it's imperative to seek guidance from a qualified practitioner before embarking on any new skincare regimen.

Determining the ideal candidates for RF microneedling involves a personalized evaluation by a competent practitioner, as suitability depends on individual factors such as age, lifestyle habits, and health history. At places like Calveo, practitioners carefully assess each patient's condition, considering factors like active acne, rosacea, scars, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.

During consultations preceding RF microneedling treatments, practitioners not only evaluate skin type and overall health history but also provide tailored aftercare instructions based on individual needs. This includes advising patients to avoid direct sunlight exposure and recommending daily use of sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to safeguard the treated area from further damage.

Patients are further counseled to refrain from using aggressive skincare products until the healing process is complete. By taking into account your medical history and current skincare routine, a qualified practitioner can furnish information about which skin types are best suited for RF microneedling treatments, empowering you to make an informed decision. With proper preparation and adherence to follow-up care instructions, this minimally invasive treatment option holds the promise of delivering enduring results.


Embracing RF Microneedling can pave the way for enduring results, as it works its magic to enhance skin texture and tone by stimulating collagen production beneath the skin's surface.

Following the initial treatments, the fruits of your commitment should become apparent within one or two months. Depending on the severity of wrinkles and age-related signs, additional sessions might be recommended to optimize the results.

RF microneedling commonly targets areas like the forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, and around the eyes, outlasting the effects of other cosmetic treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers.

As time unfolds, a gradual improvement in skin texture and tone becomes evident, with deep lines diminishing as a result of increased collagen production beneath the surface. While RF microneedling isn't a permanent solution, its benefits can be sustained through regular follow-up sessions and consistent skincare habits, including regular moisturizing, sun avoidance, and the application of outdoor sunscreen.

It's crucial to acknowledge that individual results may vary based on age, lifestyle choices, and genetics. By adhering to proper care following each RF microneedling session, you can relish ongoing enhancements in skin texture and tone for years to come.

Beyond the aesthetic advantages, many patients report an overall improvement in their sense of well-being. This minimally invasive procedure offers natural-looking results without the need for surgical intervention or the downtime associated with traditional procedures, contributing to an enhanced sense of confidence and satisfaction.



The necessary number of RF microneedling sessions for scar reduction hinges on the extent of the scars and the individual's unique response to the treatment. Typically, a series of sessions, strategically spaced several weeks apart, is advised to achieve optimal and lasting results.


For optimal results with RF microneedling, session frequency depends on factors like skin type, desired outcomes, and budget. Typically, scheduling treatments every 4-6 weeks is recommended for long-term effects. Individual responses vary, and the number of sessions required hinges on the severity of issues and personal goals. While more frequent sessions may yield quicker results, cost considerations and product usage should be weighed. Balancing affordability and efficacy, regular but not overly frequent appointments, around four times per year, can strike a good balance. Always consult healthcare providers for personalized advice on ongoing skincare routines and procedures.


RF microneedling is a safe option for all skin types.

The safety of the procedure relies on the practitioner's expertise, attention to potential side effects, and adherence to proper techniques. Understanding the associated risks is crucial when contemplating any medical procedure, aiding in informed decision-making.

RF microneedling is generally compatible with various skin types, ensuring safety from light to dark complexions without causing harm to surrounding tissues. Key considerations include using sterile needles and quality equipment, employing proper techniques for patient comfort and injury prevention, and diligently following post-treatment care instructions to reduce inflammation and minimize scarring/hyperpigmentation.

When these factors align, patients can confidently undergo safe RF microneedling, reaping long-lasting benefits while mitigating potential risks associated with microneedling procedures.

IS RF MICRONEEDLING PAINFUL? RF microneedling, a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure using radiofrequency for fine lines and wrinkles, prompts the question of pain.

The experience varies, but generally, the procedure involves thin and short needles that don't penetrate deeply, minimizing pain. An anaesthetic cream may be applied before the session for added comfort. Most patients report mild-to-moderate discomfort during the session, akin to waxing.

Post-treatment discomfort typically fades within a few hours. Depending on your case, there may be temporary swelling and redness, along with slight tenderness at injection sites, subsiding within 24-48 hours.

For those concerned about pain, discussing potential discomfort-minimizing techniques with the clinic beforehand, such as numbing creams or cooling devices, ensures a smoother experience. With proper precautions and a certified practitioner, RF microneedling can deliver excellent results without significant discomfort or pain.

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